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goodbye, maximillian.

my dog had to be put down yesterday.
i thought i'd make a list of songs that remind me of him, and have helped me with the emotional stress that his loss has caused me.

You and Me Song
Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta
The "Feel Good" Revolution "i don't care where we're going just as long as i'm going with you"
The Difference in the Shades "but the green still glows to green, my love, and i believe we are the same"
Two-Headed Boy Pt. Two
This Heart of Mine
Autumn Nocturne
Casimir Pulaski Day
You Are the Rake
When My Boy Walks Down the Street
Last Kiss
My Favourite Thing
Calling All Angels

reminders of some memories..
Time (Clock of the Heart)
Truly Madly Deeply (the first song i heard on the radio when he was brought home! :-)
Here, Nearby
My Heart Beats Like a Drum :-) the song my friend wrote on his christmas card.. it was supposed to be from his girlfriend. tehehe.

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