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Fucked Up Tags !

Recently i've noticed, perhaps you all did, that some stupid fucktard posers has been fucking up music tags while they were lissening to the albums for the 1st time on This may be, rather it seems deliberate because it happened in the case of many artists. Amon Amarth, My Dying Bride, Agalloch, Isis are a few artist that came across me. Most likely there are others too. What a poser-ish act! Definitely it dosent look good that way and more importantly this is not right; great bands as such dont deserve this shit. I think the Admins of should do something about it soon. The affected tags should be fixed and some restrictions should be made in order to avoid such act in the future.

I tried to make it through to the admin, but couldnt. If anyone can that would be great for the cause. Support from you all true people are anticipated. Thanks. =)

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