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Mux 3's a Crowd

Muxtape is obviously conquering my journal these days. I'm not quite sure how to describe this playlist.. it's a bit avant-garde as far as genres are concerned, but there's nothing really stand-out jarring about the flow from one song to the next. So maybe it's not avant-garde at all. It's got some nice basslines, a few strings, a smattering of electronic post rock, and some resampled audio snippets. Could it be predictably bohemian then? Ew, that sounds so poserish. It's not poserish, I swear.

Well, whatever it is, I can't put my finger on it, but I know it's most definitely something. I should add that this mux was made specifically for MillaYWTS.. Because I've been a total loser for more than a year by not holding true to the mixtapers' creed. (Yes, as much as it pains me to admit it, it's official. I've got a year-old postmark to prove AND remind me of my lameness. It's all good though.)

Here's to hoping these sounds fill a void somewhere. You know the drill.. click to play:

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