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The Red Elvises at Rusty's Surf Ranch - May 18, 2007

Fri 18 May – The Red Elvises

About time I catch up on my reviews, so I'll keep it short… Almost a month ago I went to my second The Red Elvises show at Rusty's Surf Ranch on the Santa Monica Pier.

I had seen that band for the first time at that same location for New Year's Eve and they put up a fantastic show. So naturally we went to see them again.

This time around they had another female member added to their previous lineup, featured on guitar and banjo. This considerably increased the sexiness of the band, which was already set quite high with their hot keyboardist/accordionist/saxophonist red-head.

The show was very good but we only stuck around for the first half of the show, having to attend CalProg early the next day. Here are a few pictures though!

On top of it, I captured a video of their drum "solo", when each member of the band gets to participate!

Hope to catch these guys again soon, they seemed headed for a non-stop tour of the US for the summer!

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