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Source of Purges at FF.Net Located!

I would like to thank eclipse2025 at FF.Net for sending me the following message:

Here's some info I got from a reviewer named Rei concerning those responsible. The source of the purge has been found. A group of regular FF users, Critics United, will post any story they don't like on their forum. Then they have all their members mass report it until the story is deleted. In their forum they say they hope to cause another purge soon. They are not critics; they are bullies. They do not offer constructive criticism; they flame and poke fun. They like to call stories sh¡tfics, and call authors whose story they got deleted 'immature' and 'likely to b¡tch at them.' They often use heavy sarcasm and condescension in their supposed 'constructive criticism.' The head of Critics United has MA sex scenes in her stories.

Copy and Paste. Spread the word.

Let's do what he suggested and spread the word out to everyone we know!

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