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Something I picked up: Kapital Band 1 - 2CD (Mosz, 2003)

Kapital Band 1 - 2CD (Mosz, 2003)

I was so excited by that September Collective album I wrote about that I went digging through the Mosz label's back catalogue on the hunt for more good times. Kapital Band 1 are a duo which caught my attention due to having Martin Brandlmayr has a member. He's an amazing drummer for bands like Radian and Trapist. I hadn't heard of the other member, he's credited with electronics.

The CD is the kind of ornery electronic experimentation that you might come to expect from Vienna, home to artists like Pita, Fennesz, and the improvisers Polwechsel. I think it's made more exciting by the tight drumming and subsquent processing - it's a weird mix of sounding like a jam and like nothing to do with musicians at all. :) It's pretty fascinating stuff so far.

The weird gimmick with the album is that it's only one CD of music, but comes with a second, blank CDR pressed with almost identical artwork to the first. The sleeve mirrors itself, with instructions for where to cut. So basically they seem to be saying "make a copy of this for someone else"…

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