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Surround sound

Tue 19 Jun – fuck buttons, You're Smiling Now But We'll All Turn Into Demons, Divine Coils

Amazing gig - almost meditational. Divine Coils started slowly, gradually cutting through the chat in the tiny upstairs room at the Port Mahon. The sounds were subtle - a brass bowl, a disembowelled autoharp, other atypical musical instruments used to create a growing atmosphere of envelopment. Not actual songs, you understand, but definitely an experience.

You're Smiling Now But We'll All Turn Into Demons were a disappointment in comparison, though in themselves they were perfectly reasonable. The run-up saw the motley band of scruffy young men turn into a multi-color begowned group of, yes, almost-demons; and they thrashed away at their guitars appropriately. The first song, with no vocals, worked pretty well in the context of the evening overall, though much less experimental than the other bands. Subsequent songs, though, did not convince.

The big name of the night was of course fuck buttons. I'd not seen them before and was blown away by the actuality. Experimental, full-on, electronic, performative, waves of sound and action that are hard to describe but which could only be left to wash over you.

(Very loud music in a pretty warm venue, though - led to a slightly early exit. I have a feeling that the poster said that fuck buttons are playing at Truck 10 - if so, very much looking forward to that…)

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