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Now, i dont want to talk about the Past, my beauty Past.
Now im alone, ive got no friends, my family ignore me ( except my Father and Mother, Love). I live now in my Mothers House.
Now i only see my kid (17 years old) once a week) when i used to be all the days with him, since he was born, i take care of him, i protect him from all, even from her Mother, i used to make Jam sessions with him (hes a great musician), i used to make movies with him, i used to play games with him, i was very happy when i was with him. Now She take all off this of me.
Nothing matters to me now, im on Lastfm all day, on facebook, im waiting for a miracle, cause i love her Mother, more than ever Loved. I miss the eyes, i miss the voice, i miss the air, i miss the joy, i miss the hugs, i miss the kisses, i miss the food, i miss the hapiness, i miss our rides, i miss the clothes, i miss the body, i miss discussions, i miss our bed, i miss our kitchen, i miss all…sometimes i hate for a second the rest of the time i love her.

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