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Quoth the Heretic

But I think it's just as bad to not be able to take TG when it's melodic, as it is when it's un-melodic. That's why we did "Adrenalin" and "Distant Dreams"…we refused point-blank to give up all the options we wanted to keep. And we were just as able to outrage them by doing something pretty…
Genesis P-Orridge, interviewed by Re-Search for "Industrial Culture Handbook"

Sometimes in my amazing ignorance
Others see me only as they care to see
I am to them as they think
According the standard I should not be
And that is the difference between I and them
Because I see them as they are to is
And not the seeming isness of the was

Sun Ra (from "The Differences")

I should always be doing what I was supposed to do on this planet, regardless of whether the planet responded or not
Sun Ra (Fiofori 1970)

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