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What IS the SOULCRAFT...

Well, to answer that question…. its actually the title from a song by the old school hard core band The Bad Brains. BUT, in this instance its not so much just about the name of a song… its more of what the song represents, which is exactly why we also decided to borrow the name. If you happen to go by any of our other pages:

If you go to any of these places you will inevitably come across the video of the previously mentioned song. There is a recorded interview w/ Dave Kendal of late MTV fame. There you can hear how Dr. Know & H.R. give their interpretation of what the SOULCRAFT is. That is pretty much how WE feel. WE want to bring everyone together over the celebration of fully righteous music and to share the unifying power that music has in bringing us closer to each other and to our higher evolved selves. in a nut shell…..



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