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iTunes Info Survey

Total number of tracks: 4122

Sort by song title:
-First song: A/B Machines by Sleigh Bells
-Last song: 99 Problems by Jay-Z

Sort by time:
-Shortest Song: Jigsaw Memory by Muse (0:08)
-Longest Song: It's Britney, Bitch Megamix - Britney Spears (39:54) <—THATS RIGHT

Sort by album:
-First Song: Aaron's Party by Aaron Carter….yeah

-Last Song: The Money Song by Team9

Top 10 Most Played Songs:
1. 505 - Arctic Monkeys

2. Starlight - Muse

3. Map of the Problematique - Muse

4. Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys

5. Rill Rill - Sleigh Bells

6. Mardy Bum - Arctic Monkeys

7. You Only Live Once - The Strokes

8. Suck It and See - Arctic Monkeys

9. Do Me a Favour - Arctic Monkeys

10. Karma Police - Radiohead

First five songs that comes up on Shuffle:
1. Between the Bars - Elliott Smith

2. Play Dead - Bjork

3. Headlines - Spice Girls

4. Wishes - Beach House

5. Try - The Xx

Search …
"sex", how many songs come up? 276
"love", how many songs come up? 217
"you", how many songs come up? 423
"death", how many songs come up? 40
"hate", how many songs come up? 21
"wish" how many songs come up? 8
"monkey", how many songs come up? 175

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