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so bored!!!

Go to your iTunes music library.
Answer the questions, no matter how embarrassing it is!

Number of Songs: 1707

Sort by song
First Song: A'rebours-Babyshambles
Last Song: 99 problems/one step closer-Jay-Z&Linkin Park

Sort by time
Shortest song: something called 'allgood' which is a second long loll
Longest Song: Better Man-Oasis 38:03 D:

Sort by artist
First Artist: Ace of base
Last Artist: +44

Sort by album
First Album: Acousticalullaby(Skag&Bone Mix)-Babyshambles
Last Album: 90s, lol

Search the key word and see how many songs appear:

"Sex": 19
"Death": 11
"Love": 79, aw :P
"You": 211
"Me": 360
''Drugs'': only 2
''Hate'': 28

Do The Shuffle!
Shuffle your library and list the first ten songs. No padding your playlist you hipster, you. Be honest!

1. Love me two times-The Doors
2. Where nobody knows-Kings of Leon
3. Help Me(She's out of her mind)-Stereophonics
4. Jasey Rae-All Time Low
5. Marshall Mathers-Eminem
6. Bad Moon Rising-Guitar Class Cd, :$…from about 4 years ago D:
7. I Can See A Liar-Oasis
8. Be Here Now-Oasis
9. Atlantis to Interzone- Crystal Castles vs Klaxons
10. My Star-Ian Brown

welll..that was shit..

im still bored :(


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