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Project "Make Some Noise", a.k.a. creating an order in my music mess #1

Summer is good for reorganising and stuff, so, among other things, I decided to make an ordered mess of my music as well. First candidate…

Linkin Park

Albums listened:

Hybrid Theory
Minutes To Midnight
A Thousand Suns
Living Things
It was probably among the first albums I heard, though I'm not sure cause back then I listened to kinda random songs. My LP folder was still a mess, which I sorted out now :)
Basically, I like this album cause it has all my fav songs on it. And I love their early style.

Favourite tracks:

Somewhere I Belong
Breaking the Habit

My opinion about the album art: Nice. Although, is the guy wearing a gas mask? *shriek*
Hybrid Theory

About the same as with the previous one. Old LP, classic favourites.

Favourite tracks:

In The End
Pushing Me Away

My opinion about the album art: Guess it's supposed to be some kinda bug. Better art than most I see nowadays.
Minutes To Midnight

This was weird, but I still liked most of it. There are some insane songs, but basically OK.

Favourite tracks:

Leave Out All The Rest
What I've Done
Shadow Of The Day

My opinion about the album art: Nothing special. Maybe too simple.
A Thousand Suns

I remember I didn't like this album back then when it came out. It's a really different Linkin Park we once knew. Still, there are some songs worth listening to. Except for Wisdom, Justice, And Love, which sounds like somebody making Dalek noises.

Favourite tracks:

Waiting For The End
Burning In The Skies
The Catalyst

My opinion about the album art: Erm… okay.
Living Things

New album=LIKE! Okay, I wasn't satisfied with all the songs, but some are really bringin' old LP back! Me gusta.

Favourite tracks:

Lost In The Echo
In My Remains
Burn It Down

My opinion about the album art: Nice, whatever it's supposed to be.

Predictions for the future: Keep it going!

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