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The Soundtrack of My Life (Vol. iPod)

Open your Music, and hit Shuffle, and right the artist and song title, next to each question.

Soundtrack to your life:

Opening Credits: 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)

Waking Up Scene: Two Hearts

Car Driving Scene: Try Not To Breathe

High School Flashback Scene: City Middle

Nostalgic Scene: C'était ici

Bitter, Angry Scene: Fernando :—-DDD

Break-up Scene: The River

Agony scene: Sundance Kid

Regret Scene: Vy från ett luftslott (Punks Jump Up Remix)

Nightclub/Bar Scene: Nyt on Jo Myöhäistä OHHH<3 thou this would have been better for the previous scene

Fight/Action Scene: Falling Slowly well you can hardly call this "action" :D

Lawn Mowing Scene: Starman

Sad, breakdown scene: Friend Of Mine

Death Scene: Drive

Funeral Scene: Die, All Right! :—————-D NO ASS KIDDING

Mellow/Pot-smoking Scene: Taivaallinen Babylon oh how perfect for this.

Dreaming About Someone Scene: Head Over Heels

Sex Scene: The Blower's Daughter

Contemplation Scene: Start A War lovelovelove

Chase Scene: Faded Photographs I'm beginning to see the plot in my head!

Happy Love Scene: Five Years

Happy Friend Scene: Honey Honey

Closing Credits: Maailma on sun

Can't wait to see this film!!! :D

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