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Elitism and judging other people's taste in music.

this entry will be heavily edited from time time.

I often catch myself judging people based on their charts or music section on facebook, but I immediately begin judging myself and ask myself why did I just do that? who am I to judge other based on their taste in music? maybe this falls under aesthetics and perhaps this sudden judgement based on their charts is valid.

Although being a snooty metalhead,an implying /mu/tant, a militant fan of radiohead,Mr I am so deep I only listen to musique concerto and wear black leggings is not the same as being a genuine critic or philosopher pondering about the connection between the soul,will and aesthetics like Schopenhauer.

this moral dilemma, this elitism that merely feeds the ego needs to be addressed. I know I am not alone in this as I see people bragging about their taste and for a lack of a better word shitting on other people for their musical taste. any shoutbox would reflect this,the more popular the higher the chances. hell I even wrote fuck you Skrillex on Birdy nam nam's shout box once.

one must also take into consideration that most of the users on are in many ways obsessed with music in different ways. some base their entire profile following a genre specific type of elitism or others just trying to get as many as possible scrobbles they can as if it is a significant act or statement. let us not forget amateur musicians who try build a type of framework on the charts section of their profile an then adding every single person they can on them for gaining an audience( I personally dislike them and think they are annoying)

To be continued…

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