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  • Anos de atividade

    2002 – até o momento (22 anos)

  • Local de fundação

    Rochester, Monroe County, New York, Estados Unidos

  • Membros

    • Jason Bauers

Psyopus (sometimes written as PsyOpus) is a technical metal band from Rochester, New York. Formed in 2002, the band is noted for the unorthodox and extremely technical guitar techniques of Christopher Arp, often referred to as "Arpmandude". In order to receive endorsement deals from various guitar and amp companies, Arp had to send a live video of him playing in order to prove that he could actually play as fast as he does.

The band recently recorded and released Our Puzzling Encounters Considered in February of 2007. The techniques Arp uses have made it even more difficult to receive any endorsement. Arp himself said, "Mesa Boogie has not done very much to sponsor me because I do too much of this," as he raised his guitar by the whammy bar shaking it up and down.

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