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Nov 14

Crossing Border Den Haag

Apresentando Radical Face, Andrew Solomon e 31 outros artistas em Koninklijke Schouwburg

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Quinta-feira 14 de Novembro de 2013Sábado 16 de Novembro de 2013


Koninklijke Schouwburg
Korte Voorhout 3, Den Haag, 2511 CW, Netherlands

Tel: T 0900 3456789 (10cpm)


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Crossing Border is the festival where literature and music take central stage. Writers, poets, musicians, filmmakers and artists will reign in The Hague. Since Crossing Border’s inception it has sought to find a unique combination of literature with music and spoken word. Besides courting the biggest names from the international worlds of literature and music, we pay a lot of attention to (as yet) undiscovered artists. Crossing Border’s goal is to highlight new developments in literature and music and their interconnection with other arts. The festival has evolved into one of the foremost international, interdisciplinary literature and music festivals in Europe with performances occurring simultaneously on several indoor stages.

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