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Abr 25

HipHop In The Flats: Legends of the Underground #Festival_International_Edition

Apresentando Truth Universal, DJ ANDINO e 5 outros artistas em Feed and Seed

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Quarta-feira 25 de Abril de 2012Quarta-feira 25 de Abril de 2012


Feed and Seed
Lafayette, LA, United States

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You are about to be granted the chance to embark on a ground breaking experience should you so choose to accept this Mission...
HipHop in the Flats will be having it's first EVER @FestivalInternational Edition on April 25th at The Feed & Seed!!!
DJ's will be spinning, emcees will be spitting, and dancers will be getting down on the floorl!!!
Real live graffiti writers throwing up a mural for the COMMUNITY!!!

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