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Jun 24

Olympic Torch Relay - Leeds City Celebrations

Apresentando Friendly Fires, Little Comets e Tribes em Temple Newsam

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Domingo 24 de Junho de 2012Domingo 24 de Junho de 2012


Temple Newsam
Leeds, United Kingdom

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Evening Celebrations along the route where you'll be able to enjoy extended live performances from some of the UK's coolest bands right in the heart of your local community. We'll be celebrating all our inspirational Future Flames - amazing people chosen to carry the Olympic Flame - and we hope you'll join us to move to the beat of London 2012!

London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Evening Celebrations will take place at four locations across the UK:

Cardiff - 25 May 2012
Glasgow - 8 June 2012
Leeds - 24 June 2012
Birmingham - 30 June 2012

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