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Quinta-feira 10 de Novembro de 2011Sábado 12 de Novembro de 2011


Desguinlei 25, Antwerpen, 2018, Belgium

Tel: +32 (0)3 248 28 28


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During the extended weekend of 11 November, the spirit of the jazz cosmonaut Sun Ra (1914-1993) will be hovering over deSingel: three concerts, readings, an exhibition and a film. And a special Sun Ra programme to round everything off: 'The Thing play Sun Ra'. One the guests is Ken Vandermark, top saxophonist from the current scene in Chicago, where Sun Ra was once based.
Without any nostalgia and drawing on oodles of talent, the scene here, too, has built on the adventurous currents that, in the 1970s, led to the creation of Follow the Sound: while this booklet was going to print, drummer Teun Verbruggen and saxophonist Joachim Badenhorst were each working on a plan with guests from Belgium and abroad. On top of that, trombonist and Sun Ra specialist Joost Buis joins Belgian colleagues to form an international group for one of the 'Sun Ra Specials'.
Saxophone and electronics wizard Jorrit Dijkstra and percussionist John Hollenbeck have come to Follow the Sound for more than a duo concert - they're also giving a workshop for local talent, which is planned to culminate in a presentation concert on the final day.
Improvisation is the art of the surprise, albeit that tradition also plays a part in it. As is his wont, festival poet Fred Van Hove presenting a creation, this time meeting up with the Japanese computer and electronics artist Ikue Mori, known for her co-operation with John Zorn. For the others accompanying them, you can turn to the web sites of deSingel and Follow the Sound.

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