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Out 23


Com Speak e The Knocks em Terminal 5

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Quinta-feira 23 de Outubro de 2014 às 20h00m


Terminal 5
610 West 56th Street, New York, 10019, United States

Tel: +1-(212)-260-4700


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I can't even believe I'm about to announce this, but we are headlining our own show at Terminal 5 in NYC.

This is a dream come true and I truly hope you can make it. We're gonna have all kinds of special guests and a fully new visual show.

Oh and we're doing all the songs with live vocalists!

Also performing that night are our great friends The Knocks and more TBA.

For the first time the show will feature all live vocals courtesy of Karl Kling, Pink Feathers, SPEAK and a few special guests along the way.

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