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Mai 20

Com dead coast no Dingwalls

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Segunda-feira 20 de Maio de 2013 às 19h30m


Middle Yard, Camden Lock, London, NW1 8AB, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)1920 823098


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BOTW presents Allah-Las in London.


Allah-Las met while working at the biggest of all the L.A. Record stores, but they became a band in an even more rare and special space—a California basement, dug out somewhere between the mountains and the beach. They began gigging shortly after their conception in and around Los Angeles in the later part of 2008. It wasn’t until three years later that they would find the proper environment to record their first single “Long Journey” which now bookends their self-titled release. Allah-Las were a band that was psychedelic not because of reverb or shredding through pedals but for the simple way their songs seem to extend to infinity.

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