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Abr 26

Forbidden Zone Festival

Com Mhortis_pJ, Deep Frozen Lands e 2 outros artistas em ГЭЗ-21

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Terça-feira 26 de Abril de 2011 às 20h00m


Лиговский просп., 53, Санкт-Петербург, 191040, Russian Federation

Tel: +7 (812) 764 5258


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ГЭЗ-21 / 26 апреля / 26 april / Forbidden Zone Festival /20:00/

Project Three Cow Free: Magnitarus
Mhortis-pj proJect
-тибетские чаши, духовые, перкуссия

Deep Frozen Lands
- электроника

Veya Odra
- клавишные, духовые, перкуссия

ГЭЗ-21 / 26 апреля / 26 april / Forbidden Zone Festival /20:00/
project Three Cow Free: Magitаrus & Mhorti_pJ ,
Deep Frozen Lands .
Veya Odra .
noise / ambient / improvisation / avant-gard

место Санкт- Петербург ГЭЗ-21 ( ESG-21, Галерея Экспериментального Звука - 21), Пушкинская улица дом 10, флигель Д, 3 этаж

... очень скоро радионуклиды были обнаружены на другой стороне Атлантики,
шведы в панике бегали по своим Атомным станциям в поисках утечки.
А у нас проходила первомайская демонстрация.

Говорят, что спустя 25 лет Зона отчуждения должна стать безопасной...
Через 25 лет природа сама восстанавливается...
Говорят, спустя 25 лет, что караваны пилигримов со всех концов отправляются к
стенам сияющего Саркофага, почти также светящемся в глазах ищущего, как чаша крови господней. А кто-то готов продать им этот артефакт и нетленную кровь...

Фстиваль: Forbidden zone Festival(запретная зона) is dedicated 25 years of the Chernobyl alienation zone.
gaining through the loss...

Акция проходит в рамках Общеевропейского движения "pray for Japan" в поддержку пострадавших жителей Японских островов.

В этот дань мы отдаём дань памяти, всем пострадавшим и лишившимся близких в результате
катастрофы на ЧАЭС. День памяти Чернобыльской катастрофы.

ART festival dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.
“Restricted area”
Dear citizens and guests of the city! We invite you on the last week of April (beginning from Tuesday)
to attend the events dedicated to all victims and people lost their relatives and friends in consequence of disaster on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant 26 April 1986.

The action also takes place in terms of All-European movement “Pray for Japan” to support the injured inhabitance of Japanese islands.

The motor of the festival is “Let’s save nature and human being! Technological progress should be human. ”

The aim of the festival is to show through art images the value of human life and impermissibility of consumer attitude to nature and technological progress.

Let’s recollect the Chernobyl’s chronicle:

at night from the 25th to 26th of April there was the first explosion on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.. Media of the USSR scanty covered this event.

....very soon radionuclide which was thrown out to the atmosphere was found on the other side of Atlantic, the Swedes were looking for leaks on their Plants. And we had the 1st May demonstration at that time. And only later began the liquidation of accident which had taken dozens of lives. Only nine months later “Shelter” was raised under the boiler of the fourth block of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant . The 30 kilometers estranged zone was organized.

It’s said that after 25 years the estranged zone should become safe…. That after 25 years nature should recover. But nothing has happened: Chernobyl is still dangerous. But caravans of pilgrims from all over the world are beginning to leave for the walls of shining Sarcophagus which shining in the eyes of searchers nearly the same as Mediaeval Holy Grail… somebody is ready to sell them this artifact too and imperishable blood and everything is included at all… just should be demand but it’s on you how and what to spend.

And now Japan… What’s going on with us? What’s going on in nature? Let’s look for an answer together…

In our program:

- audio-visual staging, musical evenings, different performances;
- video surveys, movies, documentary films, art works;
- photo exhibitions, installations.

The festival will be opened on 26 April. St Petersburg. GES – The Gallery of Experimental Sound.

26 апреля / 26 april / ГЭЗ-21 / Forbidden Zone Festival - one day/20:00/ Opening

- Project Three Cow Free:

Mhortis-pj proJect
- Tibetan bowls, the wind, percussion

- Veya Odra
- keyboards, the wind, percussion

-Deep Frozen Lands
- electronics

[noise / ambient / improvisation / avant-gard/

We devote this day to all victims and people lost their relatives and friends in consequence of disaster on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. It’s the day of memory of Chernobyl’s disaster.

GES-21 – The Gallery of Experimental Sound, Pushkinskaya, 10, wing D, 3rd floor

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